Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay about Against Making Flag Burning Illegal - 924 Words

Flag Burning There is a great travesty going on in America right now. Everyday, people are fighting to stop one of America’s greatest freedoms, the freedom of speech. Even this way of exercising America’s greatest amendment, freedom of speech, is not liked by all people it is still protected under our nation’s law. The act of publicly burning an American flag is something that is deemed disgraceful by many Americans, but it should not be outlawed. Many people are offended by the act of publicly burning an American flag and feel it should be outlawed based on the fact that it is offensive to the citizens of this country. Although this may be true, people still have the right to protest. This was upheld in a Supreme Court case†¦show more content†¦The flag is a symbol of the United States, and what happens to the flag does not directly affect the United States, therefore it should not be outlawed. The supporters who want to outlaw the act of publicly burning a flag feel that it is demeaning to the United States. Although this may be true and many Americans feel this way, our country was built on the understanding and ability of every person to protest the actions of the government. Rep. Randy Cunningham, a supporter for the ban of flag burning, said on the House floor â€Å"To watch somebody burn the American flag represents a destruction of [the United State’s] values, of [the United State’s] ideas and of [the United State’s] thoughts.†(Cong. Rec. July 2000.) Although this claim is a very good one, I believe the better truth was stated during a U.S. Supreme Court Case. In the case United States v. Eichman it was stated â€Å"But the mere destruction or disfigurement of a particular physical manifestation of the symbol, without more, does not diminish or otherwise affect the symbol itself in any way†(3). This statement shows one of the underlining problems with the people who argue that flag burning should be outlawed. The flag is a symbol of this country, and in no way does burning the flag actually affect this country. Even the veterans of our wars feel that outlawing flag burning is something that should never be done. MSGT. (R) Marvin Virgil Stenhammar said, â€Å"Any country thatShow MoreRelatedA Political Demonstration Of The Dallas City Hall1118 Words   |  5 Pageswith burning an American flag in protest against the policies, where Reagan sought to stimulate the economy with large tax cuts. Johnson was tried and convicted, under Texas law, of the desecration of a venerated object. 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